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My first blog.

Hi.  So, here I am writing my very first blog.  Where do i start?

        I am a Single mommy of one miracle baby boy, who is my hero.   I've learned that being a Single mommy is not what defines me but just another fact about me.          
      My definition if someone were to ask, who I am?   My response is this:  I am first and foremost, a Daughter of The Most High King.  I am an inheritant to the Kingdom of The King of Kings, my Savior and Heavenly Father, Christ the Lord.  I am a Child of God.  Secondly, I am saved by His Grace, and not by any credit due to me.  I am a sinner.  I am forgiven.  Next, I have the gift of giving gifts, the gift of compassion and I am the least judgemental person you will possibly come to know.  I have a heart that loves people.  I am far from perfect.  I attribute all goodness in me to being a girl who loves Jesus.  He makes me who I am, because He loves me. 

      My hearts deepest desire is to serve Him the best that I can.  I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.  My goal in writing this blog is to just be me.  Hopefully, if I am,  there are lots of mommies a lot like me, just needing a place to come for solidarity, someone who can relate to the day to day joys and difficulties I face as a Single Momma.  I wouldn't trade being a Mommy one day for a thousand other days.  I love my little bundle of energy and sweetness with all the muster in my heart. 

     It's safe to say, I am just a girl,  with dreams, desires, failures, strengths, weaknesses and a few embarrassing stories, which I'll let slip one of these days.  For now, I am happy and content with the shiny newness of myself, now in words.  (If that makes any sense?)  Once you spill your most tragical moments, you tend to lose "cool points".  Not that being "cool" is important to me.  But, I am human.  :)

    tO bE cONtinueD...


